Sunday 2 October 2011

Hello I'm Eurofabulous

At the risk of sounding banal and almost intolerably unoriginal, here it goes nonetheless: I love Fashion.

I did what most people expected of me: I finished high school, went to a good university, went on to an complete an even better Masters in Business and yet here I am, loving fashion and running away from consultancy companies and banks and all those other 9-to-5 organizations that I have been academically trained to perform well in.

This Blog shall be my outlet. Unfortunately I can only reproduce images of others that have caught my eye and that are being shown on millions of other blogs (for now at least).

But nonetheless, here is what I love, what gives me drive and a small piece of the industry which I hope to one day hope to call my own.

I dedicate this blog to all of you out there who have a passion for something which you did not pursue academically, yet who still possess hope that one day you will make it.

So in the words of Emily Dickinson, let's hear it for hope:

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune--without the words,
And never stops at all.

Atelier Versace feather dress worn by Penelope Cruz in 2007 for the Oscars.

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